the Austen essay was marked and praised, which makes me very happy because
1) it's the first literary essay i've done on this level, and i feel lost amidst all the jargon of my fellow student, and
2) i did a lot of work, and i like praise.
as a reward... or something... i found out which Austen heroine i am, in one of the worst quizzes ever designed. did you know, Austen only put "quiz" in the mouth of her more frivolous and unpleasant characters? perhaps i shouldn't have done it after all...
No I'm not!
They said I was Anne Elliott.
This was one of the stranger quizzes I took, but interesting because I know precisely zero stories by Austen.
it's a very funny quiz, in that it doesn't even try to match personalities. and yet, i don't think it matched either of us too badly!
*briefly wonders why the balm never listened to the Wit of the Regency*
Just never got round to it -- too many other things to read.
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